FunkyFitFirm look for the highest standards in every service we use.
We only recommend companies, shops and individuals we personally use and are extremely happy with; these are some of them.
X – Poles are portable poles, suitable for domestic use. We use them in all our classes, recommend them and can arrange sales.
Chrome £159.99
Titanium £189.99
The photographs taken during class which appear on the website were taken by photographer Paul Hames of Pluto. Paul specialises in stylish, fashionable reportage photography, specialising in weddings.
The studio pole portraits on the website were taken by Warren King. Warren works in press, pr and corporate photography fields.
Event photographs (Haselstock Festival) were taken by Ollie Polter. You may know him as the paparazzi photographer Pete Dougherty famously threw a bucket of water over outside Kate Moss’ house!
Web site design
Design on this website is by James Eade
Development by Dave Stewart
Both of these guys are fantastically talented, genuine and a joy to work with.
Party Venues
We use the Shepherds Bar for London Social Pole Club events and hen parties. We have also provided performers for private parties here. You can hire this plush private members’ bar for up to 200 people, they will also cater for smaller parties.
We find Tom, his bar and kitchen team provide a great, flexible service to high standards all round.
Mitch DJs at our London Social Pole Club events.
He creates a fantastic atmosphere and puts every girl at ease with his non- intimidating, personable style and by playing music that gets them not only up, but performing for each other.
Other Poledancing Schools
We are part of a community of countless poledancing schools, so if we don’t operate in your area please drop us an e mail and we’ll put you in touch with a school we know and respect.