Viewing 53 posts in Application Extensions / 3dsmax

Set and get paths

Assign default paths to both scene and MAXScript directories

HTML Interface

A set of functions that allow you to run any MaxScript command from a rollout's ActiveX HTML control

Z-buffer to boxes

Visualize the z-buffer of an image using boxes

VMS Tidy

Re-arranges and beautifies Visual MaxScript output

Twist Profile

Apply a curve-defined twist to any geometry

Random 3D Spline

A bit of fun that animates a line!

Filter Trackbar Keys

Show only specific keys / tracks on the trackbar

Excel Functions

A set of functions to get you started with communication with Excel

Easy Icons

A range of code-only icons to spice-up your UI and minimize distribution files

Animated Surface Align

Stick one animated object to the animated surface of another, maintaining orientation in 3 axis